The Planet That Wears Its Heart on Its Face

Friday, October 12, 2012

Progressed Moon and Transiting Jupiter in My 9th House

...and finally, I have made the jump across the Atlantic Ocean for a long-overdue long-distance vacation -- a classic read of 9th-house progressions and transits. But this trip has been in the making for a year, when my progressed Moon entered the mobile sign of Gemini. Although Jupiter retrograde is not supposed to be a good time for travel, it can indicate revisiting one's previous stomping grounds: in my case, Berlin, to visit an old flame from 14 years ago, now friend, who is married to a kind, intelligent woman, and father to a charming little monkey of a four-year-old (Gemini) daughter. I am writing this from the guest room of their charming apartment in the center of the city, prolonging my passing out for another hour or so in order to get myself on German time.

I still can only speak about a dozen or so German words/phrases, but the kleine fraulein and I manage to communicate pretty well anyway. In the aftermath of the easy-peasy Saturn-Neptune trine Wednesday evening, my last night in NY for 8 days, I hope this trip will change my water -- life in my own head has been neither entirely pleasant nor productive lately. Even with a headache and lingering congestion from two flights and barely any sleep for the past 36 hours, I am actually starting to feel a little bit better already.

1 comment:

  1. Well.... I am in Middle East and one hour ahead of you,so Good morning to one special New Yorker in Berlin...I guess by the end of this European visit (EU just won a Nobel Peace Prize-go figure..?)you will say once again...Ich bin ein Berliner..
    Enjoy all of the offerings from Old Continent and that very specific energy,one gets only in Europe!
    Thinking of you!!
    Salam from Middle East-Maja
