The Planet That Wears Its Heart on Its Face

Friday, May 20, 2011

Are You Ready for the Rapture?

Those who believe that the world will end tomorrow, on May 21, 2011, will be sorely disappointed.

Not only does this wisdom come from some Christian-come-lately dude with a funny name as opposed to the Bible (for nowhere in the scriptures can one learn exactly what day Jesus will drop by Earth and beam the faithful up to heaven while the rest of humanity and life forms all perish in various ghastly plagues). And not only have scores of other end-of-the-world predictions failed to come to pass. Whatever your religious beliefs happen to be, the world will certainly keep on keeping on with such lovely planetary aspects as a Venus-Pluto trine (indicative of the transforming power of love and sex -- rapture of a life-affirming kind). Here in New York City, and I'd imagine in other cities, there are many underground "Rapture" parties planned for tomorrow night, which also goes well with the Sun-Moon trine from communicative, social-butterfly Gemini to group-oriented Aquarius.

We will have a Sun-Neptune square in the wee hours of the 22nd (3:32 a.m. EDT) so please take responsibility for your waking dreams and fantasies, as well as any mind-altering substances you may be partaking of on Saturday night.

The Sun-Neptune square could also indicate delusions and illusions forced into consciousness, but since doomsday types never seem too thrown by their constant miscalculations and instead blithely mark another end-of-the-world date on their calendars, I imagine it will only trigger awareness in those individuals who are ready to experience a rude awakening from various pipedreams.

Tune in for a similar eye-opener regarding the true meaning of the year 2012.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Moon in Sagittarius Update

Yours truly will have her second article published in the next issue of Ingress, NCGR's quarterly newsletter, which will be mailed out to NCGR subscribers in NYC on June 21.

But faithful readers of my site will be able to read this piece, which gets to the bottom of the recent Jupiter-Saturn opposition, well before the Summer Solstice! Stay tuned...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Full Moon in Scorpio: Buddha Moon

If you're not starting to feel Full Moon fever, I suggest you check your pulse.

The Full Moon in Scorpio, exact tomorrow, May 17 at 7:09 a.m. EDT, is perhaps the most powerful Full Moon of the zodiac. Not coincidentally, it is also Buddha's Sun/Moon combination. (Once, when I was playing around on OKCupid, I took a test called "Which Religious Founder Are You?" Apparently I had the most in common with Buddha. My reaction? "Cool beans!") Indeed, Buddha is a perfect example of a TET (totally evolved Taurus). He was born into wealth and creature comforts (Taurus), yet once he woke up and realized how sheltered and insular his life was, he left his father's house and confronted such harsh realities as poverty and such demons as greed, power-tripping, and lust. Buddha's Moon in Scorpio gave him the necessary "ins" of intuition, intensity, and instinct to not only survive, but transform and thrive, and thus become immortal (a Scorpio Moon person's most innermost desire).

Today and tomorrow are great days to do a little spring cleaning. Ace the broken tennis racquet, your rubber ducky from childhood that is blue with mold, and your Great Aunt Matilda's moth-eaten sweater set. You can still keep memories if you get rid of mementos.

This is also an auspicious time to reconnect with your sexuality and sensuality, to give yourself pleasure, and ideally share your ability to give pleasure with someone who is truly deserving of it. "Soul sex" is to "casual sex" as champagne is to flat ginger ale, as a dark chocolate truffle is to a stale Hershey's candy bar. Forgo your diet for a few days and go Tom Jones, with the understanding that you will work off the extra calories in the most achingly satisfying of ways.
