The Planet That Wears Its Heart on Its Face

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sun in Taurus + Moon in Scorpio = Buddha Moon

This may be my favorite Full Moon of the year, as it is the same Sun-Moon combo as Siddhartha Gautama, aka the Buddha, was born under. Born into luxury and privilege (as represented by the Sun in Taurus), Siddy chose to kick himself out of a sheltered, edenic existence and live out to the fullest his Scorpio Moon, an intense placement full of angst, challenges, and pitfalls (indeed, the Moon is traditionally held to be in the sign of its "fall" in Scorpio)...but with the greatest potential out of the entire zodiac for enlightenment, transformation, and ecstasy.

Just for fun a couple of years ago, I took a test on "OKStupid" to see which religious founder I most resembled, and the answer was none other than Buddha. I took that as the ultimate cyber-compliment, even as I realized that I am "detachment challenged."

Taurus and Scorpio are both Fixed signs and therefore are loath to let go of anything or anyone, out of fear of losing control or appearing weak. The paradox, of course, is that by letting go, you are more likely to have your heart's desire fall into your lap and never let go of you.


  1. Whenever I read technical astrology info like this, I am just fascinated by it. I just wish I knew more about how daily horoscope readings are generated so I can find out on my own. :)

    1. Yuri, most daily horoscope readings are generated by the assumption that whatever your Sun sign is, you also have that sign Rising (i.e., on the Ascendant). So daily horoscopes work best for those who were born at sunrise, and even that "best" is relative, as two same-sign sunrise-birth individuals probably have different placements of Moon, Venus, etc. Best to have a detailed, unique chart erected and interpreted by a professional astrologer. Please contact me for my rates if you would be interested.

  2. Hi T.C.

    I am a Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, Libra Ascendent and boy had my life this far (I'm 33) been full of many experiences both good and bad! Going through a BIG transformation right now ;-) Thanks for posting this its interesting.....

    1. Very belated reply: glad you enjoyed this post. If your natal Sun falls in your 8th house, this gives you even more of that "Buddha" flavor. Age 33 is within hailing distance of the Saturn Return; hope the big transformation you referred to is helping to free you on all levels.

  3. The universe is a reflection of our inner world. As without, so within.

    Psychic readings are also a good way to gain insight.
