The Planet That Wears Its Heart on Its Face

Monday, July 27, 2009

Post Solar Eclipse Reflections

It's been a busy-in-a-good way July for this Cancerian astrologer, as I might've predicted with not one, but two New Moons in my sign. Some reflections on the past 6 weeks:

I have entered into one of the most fun getting-to-know-yous imaginable with a certain Gemini, whose intelligent duality energizes and intrigues me and who, as a double bonus, has Mars and Venus in my Sun sign of Cancer, as well as Mercury in Taurus exactly sextile my Mars-Mercury conjunction.

Over the Fourth of July weekend, I attended my first-ever Burning Man-type festival, PEX (Philadelphia Experiment) on a defunct summer camp in Maryland, after missing the Memorial Day festival in Delaware due to a bad case of tonsillitis. Held on the approaching Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in humanitarian, reform-minded Aquarius, PEX was, for me, about an expansion (Jupiter) of fun (more Jupiter), old and new friends (yet more Jupiter), creativity, dreaminess, water in the form of a swimming pool, and Felliniesque costumes (Neptune City). With Chiron also conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, I felt a healing energy emitting from an unconventional group of people (Aquarius) who make these festivals possible. I no longer cry for the fact that I had not even been conceived at the time of Woodstock. The message of the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction: "The Age of Aquarius is far from dead!"

The day after returning to my "real life" in NY, my Moon progressed into earthy, sensual Taurus. In the past 3 weeks, I have noticed that my appetite for just about everything has increased, also that I have become a bit of a bull in the china shop who doesn't know its own strength (at least I haven't broken anything of value). Because that progressed Moon is approaching a trine to my natal Venus and transiting Pluto, I am trying to appreciate and fully live in this magical window of time while realizing that nothing either very good or very bad lasts forever.

Turning 39 was not nearly as traumatic as turning 29; I still look young for my age, and feel in a much more grounded, stable place, although I still worry over my lack of savings; at least in my work I am doing what I care about, feel more confident socially and sexually, and hope that with my progressed Moon in an earth sign that I shall also figure out how to improve my financial situation.

July still has a few days left, and as we approach the First Quarter Moon in sexy, intense Scorpio, I anticipate that this month shall go out with a bang....